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Using Hashtags

In order to get your all-important promotional tweets and posts in front of the right eyes, it's important to add relevant hashtags. So what is a hashtag? A hashtag is a metadata tag that is prefaced by the hash symbol, #. Hashtags are widely used on microblogging and photo-sharing services such as Twitter and Instagram as a form of user-generated tagging that enables cross-referencing of content sharing a subject or theme. For example, a search within Instagram for the hashtag. Here are some great hashtags for us writers: #Writingcommunity #writerscommunity #rt This asks for retweets #bookboost #bookblast #IARGT: for book promos Genres Specific Hashtags #SciFI (100 tweets per hour) #Fantasy (104 tweets per hour) #Romance (133 tweets per hour) #Horror (121 tweets per hour) #Love (1188 tweets per hour) #UrbanFantasy (84 tweets per hour) Writing Process #AmEditing (25 tweets per hour) #Writing (200 tweets per hour) #AmWriting (267 tweets per hour) #Creativity (46 tweets per hour) #Editing (21 tweets per hour) #WordCount (120 tweets per hour) #WriteChat (30 tweets per hour) #WriteGoal (<100 daily use) #WritingPrompt (150 tweets per day) Self Publishing & Marketing #AskAgent (250 tweets in current archive) #AskAuthor (<100 daily use) #AskEditor (<100 daily use) #BookMarketing (190 tweets daily) #Publishing (7o0 tweets in current archive) #SelfPub (~100 tweets per time) #PubTip (51o tweets in current archive…may or may not involve drinking!) #MSWL – ‘manuscript wish list’ (tweets most days) Creative Ideas #WIP ‘Work In Progress’ (daily use, across all creative communities) #1K1H ‘Write 1000 Words in 1 hour’ (tweets on most days) #WritingPrompt (150 tweets per day) #StoryStarter (daily use, often comedic) #WordAThon (daily use) #Creativity (60 tweets in the last hour) Connect With Readers #MustRead (70 tweets in the last hour) #BookGiveaway (daily use, mixture of authors running giveaways, and fans saying thanks) #FollowFriday (spikes in popularity on Fridays, suggesting new people to follow) #Novelines (to quote your own work) #FreeBook #FridayReads #TeaserTues #Bookish #Shelfie #ReadMore Connect with Writers #AmWriting #WriteTip #WritersLife #WritersLifeChat #5amwritersclub #WritingCommunity #ASMSG (Authors Social Media Support Group) #RWA (Romance Writers of America) #ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) #SCBWI (Society of Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators) #BookMarketingChat #TheWritersZen #StoryCrafter #StorySocial The Tweet counts were accurate as of 28/04/2021 according to which has lots of great hashtagging information and of course hashtags to use. Good Luck promoting your work!


  • Songbird

    written by
    Lucia Catherine


    Soon after her high school graduation, a teenage girl from a prominent family disappears. At once, she learns being on her own is dangerous. After facing unbelievable hardships and overwhelming trials, she changes her life, her name, and turns her back on everyone but her newfound community. After decades of living as a ghost, hiding from the real world, and letting her family believe she was dead, she leaves on a quest for h...

    Soon after her high school graduation, a teenage girl from a prominent family disappears. At once, she learns being on her own is dangerous. After facing unbelievable hardships and overwhelming trials, she changes her life, her name, and turns her back on everyone but her newfound community. After decades of living as a ghost, hiding from the real world, and letting ...

    Lucia Catherine Songbird...

    Lucia Catherine - from $3.99 Songbird

    Soon after her high school graduation, a teenage girl from a prominent family disappears. At once, she learns being on her own is dangerous. After facing unbelievable hardships and overwhelming trials, she changes her life, her name, and turns her back on everyone but her newfound community. After decades of living as a ghost, hiding from the real world, and letting her family believe she was dead, she leaves on a quest for h...
    (read more)