In order to get your all-important promotional tweets and posts in front of the right eyes, it's important to add relevant hashtags.
So what is a hashtag?
A hashtag is a metadata tag that is prefaced by the hash symbol, #. Hashtags are widely used on microblogging and photo-sharing services such as Twitter and Instagram as a form of user-generated tagging that enables cross-referencing of content sharing a subject or theme. For example, a search within Instagram for the hashtag.
Here are some great hashtags for us writers:
#Writingcommunity #writerscommunity
#rt This asks for retweets
#bookboost #bookblast #IARGT: for book promos
Genres Specific Hashtags
#SciFI (100 tweets per hour)
#Fantasy (104 tweets per hour)
#Romance (133 tweets per hour)
#Horror (121 tweets per hour)
#Love (1188 tweets per hour)
#UrbanFantasy (84 tweets per hour)
Writing Process
#AmEditing (25 tweets per hour)
#Writing (200 tweets per hour)
#AmWriting (267 tweets per hour)
#Creativity (46 tweets per hour)
#Editing (21 tweets per hour)
#WordCount (120 tweets per hour)
#WriteChat (30 tweets per hour)
#WriteGoal (<100 daily use)
#WritingPrompt (150 tweets per day)
Self Publishing & Marketing
#AskAgent (250 tweets in current archive)
#AskAuthor (<100 daily use)
#AskEditor (<100 daily use)
#BookMarketing (190 tweets daily)
#Publishing (7o0 tweets in current archive)
#SelfPub (~100 tweets per time)
#PubTip (51o tweets in current archive…may or may not involve drinking!)
#MSWL – ‘manuscript wish list’ (tweets most days)
Creative Ideas
#WIP ‘Work In Progress’ (daily use, across all creative communities)
#1K1H ‘Write 1000 Words in 1 hour’ (tweets on most days)
#WritingPrompt (150 tweets per day)
#StoryStarter (daily use, often comedic)
#WordAThon (daily use)
#Creativity (60 tweets in the last hour)
Connect With Readers
#MustRead (70 tweets in the last hour)
#BookGiveaway (daily use, mixture of authors running giveaways, and fans saying thanks)
#FollowFriday (spikes in popularity on Fridays, suggesting new people to follow)
#Novelines (to quote your own work)
Connect with Writers
#ASMSG (Authors Social Media Support Group)
#RWA (Romance Writers of America)
#ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers)
#SCBWI (Society of Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators)
The Tweet counts were accurate as of 28/04/2021 according to which has lots of great hashtagging information and of course hashtags to use.
Good Luck promoting your work!