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Contribute to our next anthology

On hold, until further notice

Hello all,

Our next anthology is due to be published in the Winter of ... (on hold).

If you would like to contribute please read the submission rules below.

An idea for the cover of the winter edition is shown below. This is subject to changes, including updated logos from this platform (the new BOOKiWROTE web site).

Important things to know:

Submission Terms

1. The deadline date for submissions is ...(on hold)

2. IMPORTANT NOTE! All submissions MUST be fully edited. No post-submission editing will be done by us. The book will be compiled with front and back matter and formatting throughout, but aside from that, the submissions will remain as received. If too many errors are found the submission will not be included. No repeat submissions will be taken unless time allows. Please don't be concerned about the format of submissions as this will be changed and matched throughout the book into Calisto MT size 12 with paragraphs double spaced.

3. Any images submitted along with stories or poetry MUST come with copyright permission. Either the image must be owned by the contributor or the contributor must provide a statement of permission from the owner of the image (which will be included in the publication). Please note! The interior of the book will be black and white greyscale, therefore all imagery will appear in greyscale.

4. Any monies generated from the sale of the book will go towards advertising the book. Any monies left over will be used to provide advertising for contributing authors' other works. No money will be made from this venture or used for any other reason other than what has been stated. If this arrangement doesn't work for you, please DO NOT contribute.

5. It is aimed for publication in Winter ...(on hold), but this is not guaranteed.

6. All contributors can also submit links for websites, social media pages, author central pages, and other books belonging to the author, etc. You may also include an image if desired. These will be included in the back matter of the book and inside the ebook version, links will be clickable.

7. These terms may be updated from time to time without notice.

8. The book cover will be designed by Garry Owen.

9. Back cover copy will be written by one or more of the submitting authors.

10. This opportunity is open to all BOOKiWROTE members free of charge. Not a member? Click 'Sign Up' above or click here. Registration to BOOKiWROTE is free of charge and even better you get to add an author page, books, and short stories/poetry of your own.

11. Minimum word count for short stories is 1000 and a maximum of 30000. Up to 6 short stories per author and 12 poems per author. There is no minimum restriction on the length of a poem. If they are very short, however, two might be placed on one page. If you want two on one page please stipulate it with your submission. If it fits, I will oblige. If you choose to submit a mix of both, please work on the premise that 2 poems = 1 short story. In other words, the maximum submission options are:

  1. 6 Short Stories and 0 Poems
  2. 5 Short Stories and 2 Poems
  3. 4 Short Stories and 4 Poems
  4. 3 Short Stories and 6 Poems
  5. 2 Short Stories and 8 Poems
  6. 1 Short Story and 10 Poems
  7. 0 Short Stories and 12 Poems
  8. Of course you can also submit less and they don't have to be submitted together.

12. Please send all submissions to

If anyone has any queries, please contact me via the contact form here or email me at

Best wishes and happy writing!


  • Orthicon

    written by
    David Perlmutter


    They were taken, against their will, and resettled somewhere they had never seen, and away from the world they had known.Nobody told them why.They found that out themselves....

    They were taken, against their will, and resettled somewhere they had never seen, and away from the world they had known.Nobody told them why.They found that out themselves....

    David Perlmutter Orthicon...

    David Perlmutter - from $5.00 Orthicon

    They were taken, against their will, and resettled somewhere they had never seen, and away from the world they had known.Nobody told them why.They found that out themselves....
    (read more)