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BOOKiWROTE - Step 3. Adding Book Purchase Links and Other Author Links.


If you've not already added a book please check out the BOOKiWROTE Step 2 article here:

If you have a book listed and now you want to add links for users to be able to purchase your book and also find your website, Facebook page, and whatever other links you want to add, then read on.

On the book details page, just below your blurb, you'll find a button that reads ' Add a Book Purchase Link', as shown below:

When you click the button you'll be presented with a drop-down form, shown here:

You have two compulsory fields to complete:

1. Choose the platform.

Choices are:
  • Amazon
  • Audible
  • Kobo
  • Barnes and Noble
  • Smashwords
  • Website
  • Amazon- Look Inside
  • Waterstones
  • Other
If the platform you want isn't listed choose 'Other' and let me know via the contact form and I'll add it for you.

2. Copy and paste or type in the URL (Web Address) of your book purchase page.
E.G. -
3. Click the '+Add Buy Now Link' button at the bottom of the form.

That's it! Simple isn't it? You will see a new link added (see above). Repeat the process to add more links. It is recommended that you use Booklinker to make a universal link for Amazon so that the same link can be used from any country in the world.

If you want to delete a link, click on the red delete button to the left of any link you want to remove.

You will be presented with options to cancel or delete the link, as shown below:

Click 'Delete Link' and you'll get a confirmation message that it has been deleted and the link will be removed.

Okay, next let's add other links. Links to your website or Facebook page, as an example. This is done from your author page. You can get to your author page via Amin and the menu option 'My Author Page'.

Once on the author page, scroll down to just below the blurb where you'll find the My Author Web Links section, as shown here:

You have three compulsory fields to complete.

1. Choose a platform;
2. Enter display text;
3. Enter or copy and paste your URL.

Add as many links as you wish to any page on any platform or website you wish.

Job done!

Now when users click on your page they will be able to purchase your book from anywhere you have added purchase links for and find your other pages such as your Amazon Author Central Page, Goodreads, your own website, or any others you can think of.

Best Wishes and Happy Writing!


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