Short Stories & Poetry


The calmness of the lake was deceiving;

it’s quiet waters ripple from the soft evening’s breezes.

It shared the shores curb appeal with lazy blades of grass 

that billowed tall along side rich cone-head blooms.

Now here is where many a city dweller, would rush to relax,

hoping to be freed from all the days clamor;

Looking for the release of “peaceful”weekends there.

But instead, the townspeople knew all the true secrets this lake had

kept still.

Two years ago, Lisa’s six year old son had fallen in, while playing much too close. 

His tiny body would vanish before anyone even reached!

 The town could barely mourn his death

It was said,

when an old farmer from the next county had found his wife cheating, he then left her there to drown.

What appears to some, as a lake of beauty and great peace;

Others know it holds few secrets that it will ever release!

         -Cynthia Hoosier

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